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January 14, 2025
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Newsletter - July 2024
A summer full of value
Come to the 8th edition of the value based healthcare summer course from August 21 to August 23, in Rotterdam the Netherlands.
Just like last year we hope to bring you another inspiring and informative experience. With participants and experts from around the globe, this event promises to be a hub of knowledge-sharing and collaboration.
Expect a diverse line-up of captivating lectures, interactive discussions, and thought-provoking sessions that will dive deep into the world of value-based healthcare. Our speakers, pioneers in their fields, will guide you through the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in value-based healthcare delivery. Last year’s participants left equipped with the skills to make a meaningful impact on patient care, and we aim to raise the bar even higher this time.
We invite you to register for the course and hope to see you there!
Please note that places are limited, as this is a small group course.
Journal club
The journal club of May 14 was a great success! We are very curious to hear what you would like to come up at our next journal club meeting? What topic would interest you?
We are thrilled to announce we are organizing an inspiring webinar after the summer with the very impressive CEO of the Aarhus University Hospitalas Thomas Balle Kristensen as key-note speaker! So please save the 20th of September from 11 – 12 o’clock CEST.
Mentor/Mentee Program
ECHORM connects senior experts with young professionals or early career researchers. Interested in becoming a mentor or mentee and want to know more about the benefits and options?
Joke of the month
“Statistically…. 9 out of 10 injections are in vein.”
Does willingness to pay differ for mental and physical health?
Mental health suffers from a parity of esteem compared with physical health in resource allocation. A large percentage of sufferers never seek medical treatment, but the disutility of these individuals should be considered in policy appraisal. There is a lack of valuation evidence for application in cost-benefit analysis for the United Kingdom, and those valuation studies which have explored preferences suggest that mental health may be valued inconsistently compared with physical health.
Newsletter - June 2024
Meet the members
Meet Anouk! A PhD researcher specializing in patient-reported outcomes.. “VBHC is an area with great potential, but it often involves researchers and managers scattered across various medical specialties, hospitals, and even countries. By pooling our resources and learning from one another, we can collectively contribute to enhancing healthcare services.”

Journal club
The journal club of May 14 was a great success! Ms. Hodjaoglou facilitated an interesting discussion around the analysis and presentation of PROM data to demonstrate evidence for symptom management and triggers for referral, based on outcomes data from severe COVID patients.
We are thrilled to announce we are organizing an inspiring webinar after the summer with interesting speakers and various networking opportunities!
Mentor/Mentee Program
ECHORM connects senior experts with young professionals or early career researchers. Interested in becoming a mentor or mentee and want to know more about the benefits and options?
Joke of the month
The case for patient-reported pleasure, by Preston Long & Tanja Stamm
(Medical University of Vienna)
Pleasure is a cornerstone of human behavior. The experience of pleasure is what keeps us alive and in pursuit of life.
Its lack of consideration in the medical sciences has been to the detriment of all patients. A health-related pleasure scale must be developed for clinical purposes and original research must be conducted to establish the added value of measuring pleasure.

June 14, 2023