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Here you can find some interesting literature relating to outcomes research and management.
Value-based healthcare
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Case reports
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary
Reference: author names, title of research
Short summary