Advisory Board Members
Committed experts for advise and inspiration

Jan Hazelzet
Em. Prof, MD, PhD
After finishing Polytechnic School (Technical Physics), I studied medicine and received my medical degree from the Erasmus Medical School in Rotterdam and specialized in Pediatrics at the Sophia Childrens Hospital in Rotterdam and in Hopital Necker Enfants Maladesin Paris.
I have a long clinical experience as Pediatric Intensivist, and Associate-Professor in Pediatrics. I hold a PhD of the Erasmus University on meningococcal sepsis and a Master in Management from the University of Utrecht (USBO).
Gradually I moved to the field of information and quality, first in the position of chief medical information officer (CMIO) of Erasmus MC, later as professor in Health Care Quality & Outcome, department of Public Health. I was the clinical lead of the Value-Based Health Care Program in Erasmus MC and the shift towards a more Patient-Centered Care. Active in several national (NFU) and international projects and consortia (EUHA). Current research interests: patient reported outcome and experience, patient engagement, implementation and effects of value driven health care, healthcare data management and analysis, as well as sustainability in health care.
For me ECHORM is an important collaboration alliance where junior researchers can find each other and more senior colleagues in order to develop this fairly new research field: clinical outcome research. Being more closely to daily clinical practice and more (individual) patient focused, this field will use also other (more qualitative) research techniques than RCT’s which is rather new. For this reason exchange of knowledge and experience between colleagues is important. Happy to contribute in many ways.
Tanja Stamm
Univ.-Prof. Dr., PhD
Tanja Stamm is Full Professor and Head of the Institute for Outcomes Research, Deputy Director of the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems at the Medical University of Vienna. Since January 2022, she is also the Head of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation. Her research focuses on patient-reported outcomes, arthritis, occupational health, psychometrics, assistive technologies, and the use of real-world data. Tanja Stamm combines clinical expertise with other advanced research skills and professional competence in data science. She has pioneered work in various medical fields, such as rheumatology, musculoskeletal health, rehabilitation, public health, diabetes, dietetics, and oral health. She has also been involved in the development of complex multi-center drug studies and registries, including their digital infrastructure and patient-centered approach. Until June 2020, Tanja Stamm was Vice President of the European League Against Rheumatism. Since spring 2020, she chairs the outcomes task force of the European University Hospital Alliance, a network of 9 leading university hospitals in Europe

Linetta Koppert
MD, PhD, Associate Professor
Linetta’s focus in research is in Quality of breast cancer surgery and development of value based/ outcome-driven breast cancer, especially in young breast cancer patients. Breast cancer patients are invited to fill in Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) since October 2015 at different time points before, during and after treatment. Since several years, Erasmus MC collaborates with 9 regional hospitals measuring PROMs, implemented in breast cancer care. This regional network forms the blueprint for value based health care collaboration.
Validity and rankability of existing national quality indicators was tested in >79.000 patients as well as a textbook outcome developed. The institutional implementation of value based/ outcome-driven breast cancer since 2015 with regional, national and international collaboration (Ann Surg Oncol 2018, Eur J Surg Oncology 2018 and 2019, Breast Ca 2020) also resulted in a systematic review (Value Health 2019) and developments in outcome prediction modelling (Qual Life Res 2018, Breast J 2020, World J Surg 2018). She contributed to the development of an ICHOM international standard outcome set for breast cancer patients as incentive for better care and facilitation of comparative effectiveness research (JAMA Oncology 2017).